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Meet The Council Members

The Parish Clerk is:

Geoff Robinson
01728 685425

Email the Parish Clerk

David Entwisle (Chairman)

Julie Giles

Julian Sayer

Charles Bagnall

 Graham Wigley (Vice Chairman)

Clifford Arndt-Snelling

Caroline Jayne Berkley

The Parish Council meets every three months at The Granary at Downham Care Farm, School Road Monk Soham and everyone is very welcome to attend.  Additional meetings may be arranged to consider planning applications or other exceptional circumstances. 


Monk Soham Parish Council has adopted the Model Publication Scheme approved by the Information Commissioners in respect of the Freedom of Information Act and can be downloaded here.


Monk Soham Parish Council is an elected body with prime responsibility to reflect the local views of its parishioners and is the basic tier of local government. It is also responsible to approve and monitor the annual village precept in line with the anticipated local needs. Other duties include opinions on local planning issues, highways & traffic safety, footpaths and policing policy.  


The village notice boards are situated at The Green and next to the Old School House, School Road and contain details of forthcoming meetings and other items of interest, plus minutes of the previous meeting. They also contain useful information and contact details for Citizens Advice Bureau, County and District Council services, mobile library times, etc.


The Parish has the beautiful area of Common Land known as Hungers Green within its boundaries which is a safe and peaceful place for everyone to enjoy nature and relax, as well as walking the dog. Please see the separate page.


The Parish Council has adopted the STANDING ORDERS to cover all its activities and similarly the NALC Model Financial Risk Assessment.





Bedfield Parish Council has adopted The Model Publication Scheme approved by The Information Commissioner


Details  are available from Geoff Robinson (Parish Clerk) on 01728 685425 or or any CouncillorBedfield Parish Councillors are:


Keith Frost (Chairman)
Jenny Barham (Vice-Chairman)
John Dickson
Stephen Harvey
Ed Nesling
Richard Pickard

10th December 2019

The Parish Council meets every three months at The Bedfield Pavilion at the Community Hub and all villagers are very welcome to attend.  Additional meetings may be arranged to consider planning applications or other exception circumstances. 


Bedfield Parish Council has adopted the Model Publication Scheme approved by the Information Commissioners in respect of the Freedom of Information Act and full details can be obtained from the Parish Clerk at


Bedfield Parish Council is an elected body with prime responsibility to reflect the local views of its parishioners and is the basic tier of local government. It is also responsible to approve and monitor the annual village precept in line with the anticipated local needs. Other duties include opinions on local planning issues, highways & traffic safety, footpaths and policing policy. 


It is also represented on Eye School Trustees. The village notice board is situated atthe entrance to Bedfield Long Green and contains details of forthcoming meetings and other items of interest, plus minutes of the previous meeting.  A village notice board is also adjacent to the entrance and can be used by other organisations.  It also contains useful information and contact details for Citizens Advice Bureau, County and District Council services, mobile library times, etc.  

The Parish Council owns and manages the field at Bedfield Long Green and the chidren's play area at the south end of the area.  The play area has recently been refurbished, meets ROSPA Standards with an annual inspection and is a safe and peaceful place for children (and parents!) to enjoy themselves.





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