T. Artis: 01728 685663
J. Felton: 01986 799175
Sophie Finch: 01728 723456
Mustard Pot Boarding Kennels: 01728 627101
AJS Construction: 01728 861799
Postman Fencing: 01728 628078
Optimal Heating: 01728 628687
Kathy Thurman: 01728 628470
Steve Bruntock: 01728 628440
D G Carpentry: 07913 291732
Simply beautiful by Ann: 01379 384097
Help With PC: 07570 695279
Jo Kelly: 01728 417150
Paddock Maintenance: 01728 628054
Daniel Abbott: 01728 627806
Lady Gardener: 01728 628424
W Sharpe Computer: 01728 685905
Chris Garden Services: 07535 494760
SM Plumbing: 01728 628046
Marks Maintenance: 01728 621341
Cooker Cleaning with Nick: 07923 897705
Lesson in Piano: 01728 685663
I K Physio: 07887 613042
Local Doctors Practice
Framlingham Medical Practice, Pembroke Road, Framlingham IP13 9HA
01728 723627. www.framlinghamsurgery.co.uk
The nearest surgery is situated at Glebe House, Earl Soham. 01728 685325.
The village is covered from Eye police station and the local liaison officer is PCSO Steven Long who can be contacted on 01473 613500 and asking for Steven by name (Epaulette number 3172) or Sgt. Jon Eaves (number 1118).
Emergency contact with the police remains by dialing 999.
Post Office
The village Outreach Post Office is open at the Sports Pavilion, Long Green every Tuesday between 0915 and 1115 hours. For Royal Mail Services see www.royalmail.com and see also the BUSINESSES & AMENITIES page.
Eye Grammar School Fund
The Eye Grammar School Fund is a Trust Fund set up by the Charity Commissioners in 1977 to provide grants of money to young people and educational organisations in the locality.
Newspaper Delivery
Daily deliveries are provided by Stephen Tuckwell on 01728 685385.
Bus Services
The village is served by:
High Suffolk Community Bus - for details contact John Ridgewell on 01728 627181 or Alan Nette-Thomas (01728 685 694)
Click for timetables and much more on www.suffolk.gov.uk
Details of the Community Bus can be found at BUS1490.jpg and BUS1491.jpg
Rail Services
The nearest railway stations are situated at Diss, Wickham Market and Stowmarket and services are provided by Greater Anglia with frequent trains to Cambridge, Peterborough, Ipswich, Norwich, Beccles and Lowestoft. www.greateranglia.com
Mobile Library
The mobile library visits Bedfield every 4 weeks (from 16th January 2014) opposite the old post office 1100/1120. Further details can be obtained on www.suffolk.gov.uk
Local Education
Bedfield parishioners are fortunate to have access to three excellent educational institutions for their entire children's education, viz:
Bedfield CEVC primary school. www.bedfield.suffolk.sch.uk
Secondary education www.debenhamhighschool.suffolk.sch.uk
Sixth Form education is provided at Thomas Mills School, Framlingham - see details on www.thomasmills.suffolk.sch.uk
Matthew Hicks (Conservative) is the elected representative for the Thredling Division of Suffolk County Council. He can be contacted via matthew.hicks@midsuffolk.gov.uk or Telephone 01728 628176.Suffolk County Council website: www.suffolk.gov.uk
Mid Suffolk District Council
Matthew Hicks (Conservative) is the elected representative for the Worlingworth Ward on Mid Suffolk District Council. He can be contacted via matthew.hicks@midsuffolk.gov.uk or Telephone 01728 628176.
Mid Suffolk District Council website is on www.midsuffolk.gov.uk
Suffolk County Council
Member of Parliament
Daniel Poulter (Conservative) represents Monk Soham as part of his Central Suffolk and North Ipswich constituency. Email: Daniel Poulter or check in at Dr Poulter's website here:Daniel Poulter Website
The Constituency Office is at 19 The Business Centre, Earl Soham, Woodbridge IP13 7SA: Telephone 01728 685148 or 020 7219 3000 at the House of Commons.